Water Heater Repair and Installation

Water Heater Services

We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile, and to your highest level of satisfaction. We service and repair electric or gas tanked water heaters as well as provide water heater installation services. We also service and repair tankless water heaters and provide tankless water heater installation services

Water heater and tankless water heater installation services

If you're in need of getting your water heater replaced, The Classic Plumber is your goto plumbing company. We will give you several options for replacing your gas or electric tanked water heater, or if you would like to replace or upgrade to a tankless water heater, we have you covered. With a licensed plumbing service you can rest assured your new water heater will be installed correctly and up to date on current codes.

Water Heater Repair

If your water heater is not producging hot water like it should, call us today to schedule service. A lot of times tanked or tankless water heaters can be repaired without having to worry about the costs of replacement. Electric tanked water heaters can be tested for bad elements or thermostats, or breaker,  gas heaters can have the gas valves or thermocouple or thermopile tested or replaced, tankless water heaters can be repaired as well. Each case is unique, and we do our best to get a repair in before we even consider replacement of your water heater. We are honest and upfront about the issues on diagnostic of your water heater and go over every option available to you to make the best informed decision about your water heater.

Water Heater Maintenance

All water heater manufactures recommend to flush your tanked water heater at least once a year. Tankless water heaters are recommended by manufactures to descale tankless water heater once a year. Did you know this helps prolong the life of the tanked or tankless water heater? It also helps maintain any warranty you have on a current water heater. Contact us today to schedule your tankless water heater to be descaled or your tanked water heater to be flushed out. We will thoroughly inspect your tankless, cleaning out the air intake screen, water filter screen as well and check for any other issues to keep your unit producing hot water like it should. On tanked water heaters we flush out the buildup and test your elements for ohm reading and your thermtats, gas water heaters we check the air in take and exhaust, thermopile or thermocouple and and check your heater out thoroughly to help get many more years of use. On average a tanked water heater lasts about 8-12 years with maintenance.

Water Heater Brands

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We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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